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Nineteen. Currently residing in the Singapore. I enjoy jpop and anime. I'm not the nicest person on earth, but I'm a lot of fun.

A little love I had for you remains. Whatever it meant to be disappeared,
should just go away. And now, all I wanted is actually his little attention to me.
Just a small little attention will do, show me that i am important to you.

second last day / ..... / workkkk! / cny - day one / overwhelmed / -- / .. / cough cough cough / one day when the sky is falling / happiness is hard to find /

outing / Friday, February 22, 2013 @ 11:24 PM
hmmm. so my first day of holiday is officially today since other days were all at work. really enjoyed my entire day out today.

woke up in the morning to do housework and all, before slowly getting ready to leave the house to meet my friend for a mini day out for his early birthday celebration. he came around 4pm odd and then went to watch 'upside down' which to my dismay isn't that fantastic but still quite fantastic. i think they concentrated too much on the overview of the whole show till they neglected the storyline.

so after that, we ate at hongkong cafe which was not bad since it's been awhile since i last ate there, and yup, walked around and went home.

hmmmm... going out isn't much so enjoyable since i will be spending money. i need to start saving moneh since i am going to be bankrupt soon, literally.

i hope i am more braver, getting more courage. i am giving myself hope that it is true but it looks like i am just thinking the wrong way.

i am not going to fool myself anymore. nothing more anymore, this is it. it's the end and byebye.

i wish you all the best. i don't want another heartbreak anymore.

it hurts so much. \

Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.