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Nineteen. Currently residing in the Singapore. I enjoy jpop and anime. I'm not the nicest person on earth, but I'm a lot of fun.

A little love I had for you remains. Whatever it meant to be disappeared,
should just go away. And now, all I wanted is actually his little attention to me.
Just a small little attention will do, show me that i am important to you.

workkkk! / cny - day one / overwhelmed / -- / .. / cough cough cough / one day when the sky is falling / happiness is hard to find / never the same / NP VOICES CAMP! /

..... / Monday, February 18, 2013 @ 1:06 AM
after crying to sleep last night, i realise how foolish i was. i don't know why i am doing this, but i came down to one answer.

anyway, it was the second day of work today and it was fun. colleagues managed to keep me laughing and i didn't have any time to think of worthless thing. my mood of anime is slightly back since i am watching anime right now during my breaks.

off day tomorrow so i get to go out with my lovely girlfriend that i have not seen for awhile. shall take polaroids with her tomorrow :)

anyway... just finished watching miracle train and it's very nice. one of the episodes was actually about this girl that died and was actually kind of 'troubled' and ended up on miracle train.... she managed to saw the boyfriend for the very last time, and the boyfriend cried as she kiss him and disappeared into thin air.

i cried. seeing my crying face through the computer screen, i cried even more. i don't know why did i cry, but i just felt so sad.

it hurts so much.

i wonder why
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.