you're the one for me >>
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Nineteen. Currently residing in the Singapore. I enjoy jpop and anime. I'm not the nicest person on earth, but I'm a lot of fun.

A little love I had for you remains. Whatever it meant to be disappeared,
should just go away. And now, all I wanted is actually his little attention to me.
Just a small little attention will do, show me that i am important to you.

outing / second last day / ..... / workkkk! / cny - day one / overwhelmed / -- / .. / cough cough cough / one day when the sky is falling /

outing with mum / Saturday, February 23, 2013 @ 10:29 PM
yay! went out to pray in the mid morning and went to bugis to shopping. heart to heart talk with my mummy after a long while and i realized how much a mother could have noticed her daughter. she knew that i was having a slight crush on him and she even guessed who was it! oh gosh, what a mum is she. but she's funny that knewing i have lots of guy friends, she said, so even if anyone of them become your boyfriend i also won't know who. i was like LOL.

I told her, friendzoned means friendzoned. I won't force it open neither will i force them to think the same way as I do.

after so much things happening recently, i realised that what meant to be is to be. if you do not think the same way as i do, i feel that there is no point of forcing my feelings onto you. it will just make things really awkward between us.

i wish you all the best in everything. i wish you find a girl of your life, and get what you want. i really enjoyed my times with you, and i will not forget them. i decided not to tell you any of these and move on with life.

this may just be a passing thing in my life once again. I won't want to walk down the same path as i did previously and ended up just regretting it again.

i am happy with all my close friends being there for me. i am happy that i have so many friends with me. i am satisfied with my life right now, even if i could not be with you.

i give up, yes. I truly give up. no more hopes hanging, no more painful experiences ever again.


this time, with a happy and enlightened feeling i have.
Layout by Gabby. Images from here and here. Inspired by tumblr.